vendredi 18 janvier 2013

Billy Bishop

                                                 Billy Bishop (William Avery Bishop)
  • was born in 1894
  • his familly: Grand daughter, daughter, son, and his nephew Fred Mckay,Mother Margerate,daughter in law Presilla,son Arthur, Father William 
  • He went to a Millitary school in Kingstone .Royal Kingstone Millitary school 

He was accused of cheating on his Millitary exam but then the 1st world war broke out and The chances of him being expeled where impossible. He died was his grandaughter was 3 years old.  Later when his grandaughter was 10 she found Billy's medals in her fathers underware drawer,  she did not understand what thay where so she brought them to school.  She found out that they were great medals from the1st world war.  Through out her life she continued to learn more about her grandfather. 

Also Billy's nephew Fred Mckay,  made a memorial at Billy's old house.  There was letters wrote to his parents, pictures and much more.

Through out the world war was were his fame began he shot down over 42 planes during the war.

Later he returned home and was married to a lady named Sarah Kilbourn but then returned to fight for the seconde world war.

Billy was'nt know just for fighting he also had been known for his appearence in Hollywood.
He was in a movie called Winged Warfare.

Late in the seconde world war Billy was shot down and  died.
